Robbert de Zeeuw

Developer / Designer

Robbert de Zeeuw

Developer / Designer

Robbert de Zeeuw

Developer / Designer

Robbert de Zeeuw

Developer / Designer

About me

A picture of the owner of Caribbean IT Solutions, Robbert de Zeeuw, he is wearing a light blue waistcoat and a dark blue tie on a white shirt
A picture of the owner of Caribbean IT Solutions, Robbert de Zeeuw, he is wearing a light blue waistcoat and a dark blue tie on a white shirt
A picture of the owner of Caribbean IT Solutions, Robbert de Zeeuw, he is wearing a light blue waistcoat and a dark blue tie on a white shirt
A picture of the owner of Caribbean IT Solutions, Robbert de Zeeuw, he is wearing a light blue waistcoat and a dark blue tie on a white shirt

In the dynamic world of technology and design, I strive to craft exceptional digital experiences. With a background in Artificial Intelligence (BSc) and Operations Research (MSc), I blend technical expertise with a keen eye for design.

My journey into the tech and design arena began with a deep-seated passion for both fields. From a young age, I was captivated by the potential of technology and the aesthetics of design. This dual interest led me to pursue an education that merged these disciplines, culminating in a Bachelor's degree in Artificial Intelligence and later a Master's degree in Operations Research.

My design career took off as I began building websites that were not only visually appealing but also highly functional and responsive. My technical background allows me to understand the intricacies of web development, while my passion for design ensures that every project is aesthetically pleasing.



Years of experience



Projects completed



Client satisfction



Marketing campaigns created


2020 - Present


Freelance Developer & Designer

In 2020, I embarked on a new venture by starting my own company, Caribbean IT Solutions. As an independent professional, I collaborate with a diverse range of clients, offering my expertise in various areas such as software engineering, website and webshop development, and digital marketing. My goal is to continuously create compelling digital experiences that my clients love.

2020 - Present


Freelance Developer & Designer

In 2020, I embarked on a new venture by starting my own company, Caribbean IT Solutions. As an independent professional, I collaborate with a diverse range of clients, offering my expertise in various areas such as software engineering, website and webshop development, and digital marketing. My goal is to continuously create compelling digital experiences that my clients love.

2020 - Present


Freelance Developer & Designer

In 2020, I embarked on a new venture by starting my own company, Caribbean IT Solutions. As an independent professional, I collaborate with a diverse range of clients, offering my expertise in various areas such as software engineering, website and webshop development, and digital marketing. My goal is to continuously create compelling digital experiences that my clients love.

2020 - Present


Freelance Developer & Designer

In 2020, I embarked on a new venture by starting my own company, Caribbean IT Solutions. As an independent professional, I collaborate with a diverse range of clients, offering my expertise in various areas such as software engineering, website and webshop development, and digital marketing. My goal is to continuously create compelling digital experiences that my clients love.

2015 - 2019

Central Bureau of Statistics Holland

Software developer / Big Data specialist

2015 - 2019

Central Bureau of Statistics Holland

Software developer / Big Data specialist

2015 - 2019

Central Bureau of Statistics Holland

Software developer / Big Data specialist

2015 - 2019

Central Bureau of Statistics Holland

Software developer / Big Data specialist

2010 - 2015

E-logistics iControl

Project Engineer

2010 - 2015

E-logistics iControl

Project Engineer

2010 - 2015

E-logistics iControl

Project Engineer

2010 - 2015

E-logistics iControl

Project Engineer



Website / Webshop Design


Website / Webshop Design


Website / Webshop Design


Website / Webshop Design


UI/UX Design


UI/UX Design


UI/UX Design


UI/UX Design


Social Media


Social Media


Social Media


Social Media


Digital Marketing


Digital Marketing


Digital Marketing


Digital Marketing


Developer / Data Analysis


Developer / Data Analysis


Developer / Data Analysis


Developer / Data Analysis