Robbert de Zeeuw

Developer / Designer

Robbert de Zeeuw

Developer / Designer

Robbert de Zeeuw

Developer / Designer

Robbert de Zeeuw

Developer / Designer


Website Redesign (2023)

Website Redesign (2023)

Birds eye view of a project of where a beautifull villa with nice landscaping with an ocean view can be seen. next to it is the golf course
Birds eye view of a project of where a beautifull villa with nice landscaping with an ocean view can be seen. next to it is the golf course
Birds eye view of a project of where a beautifull villa with nice landscaping with an ocean view can be seen. next to it is the golf course
Birds eye view of a project of where a beautifull villa with nice landscaping with an ocean view can be seen. next to it is the golf course

Project Duration

6 Months

Services Provided

Website Re-design


In 2023, I had the opportunity to collaborate with Mandy Snoeren-Smolders, a talented interior designer, stylist, and project developer, to revamp her website, She faced a significant challenge—her existing website was built on outdated technology, resulting in a static and uninspiring online presence.

The original website, while functional, was showing its age and lacked the vibrancy and responsiveness needed to showcase Mandy's creative work effectively. Visitors experienced difficulties navigating the site, and the outdated design failed to reflect the modern and dynamic nature of her projects. This hindered potential clients from fully appreciating the quality and innovation of her work.

Mandy recognized the need for a website that not only met functional requirements but also exceeded contemporary design standards. She wanted a platform that would beautifully display her portfolio and provide an engaging experience for visitors. The primary challenge was clear—transforming an old, static website into a fresh, vibrant, and responsive online presence that could captivate her audience and effectively highlight her talents.

The task involved two main objectives: modernizing the visual design to create an appealing and contemporary look, and overhauling the website's infrastructure to ensure it was fully responsive and user-friendly. This would enable visitors to easily explore Mandy's projects, regardless of the device they were using, and provide a seamless experience that truly represented her brand's essence.


Project Duration

6 Months

Services Provided

Website Re-design


In 2023, I had the opportunity to collaborate with Mandy Snoeren-Smolders, a talented interior designer, stylist, and project developer, to revamp her website, She faced a significant challenge—her existing website was built on outdated technology, resulting in a static and uninspiring online presence.

The original website, while functional, was showing its age and lacked the vibrancy and responsiveness needed to showcase Mandy's creative work effectively. Visitors experienced difficulties navigating the site, and the outdated design failed to reflect the modern and dynamic nature of her projects. This hindered potential clients from fully appreciating the quality and innovation of her work.

Mandy recognized the need for a website that not only met functional requirements but also exceeded contemporary design standards. She wanted a platform that would beautifully display her portfolio and provide an engaging experience for visitors. The primary challenge was clear—transforming an old, static website into a fresh, vibrant, and responsive online presence that could captivate her audience and effectively highlight her talents.

The task involved two main objectives: modernizing the visual design to create an appealing and contemporary look, and overhauling the website's infrastructure to ensure it was fully responsive and user-friendly. This would enable visitors to easily explore Mandy's projects, regardless of the device they were using, and provide a seamless experience that truly represented her brand's essence.


Project Duration

6 Months

Services Provided

Website Re-design


In 2023, I had the opportunity to collaborate with Mandy Snoeren-Smolders, a talented interior designer, stylist, and project developer, to revamp her website, She faced a significant challenge—her existing website was built on outdated technology, resulting in a static and uninspiring online presence.

The original website, while functional, was showing its age and lacked the vibrancy and responsiveness needed to showcase Mandy's creative work effectively. Visitors experienced difficulties navigating the site, and the outdated design failed to reflect the modern and dynamic nature of her projects. This hindered potential clients from fully appreciating the quality and innovation of her work.

Mandy recognized the need for a website that not only met functional requirements but also exceeded contemporary design standards. She wanted a platform that would beautifully display her portfolio and provide an engaging experience for visitors. The primary challenge was clear—transforming an old, static website into a fresh, vibrant, and responsive online presence that could captivate her audience and effectively highlight her talents.

The task involved two main objectives: modernizing the visual design to create an appealing and contemporary look, and overhauling the website's infrastructure to ensure it was fully responsive and user-friendly. This would enable visitors to easily explore Mandy's projects, regardless of the device they were using, and provide a seamless experience that truly represented her brand's essence.

sunset view of the pool of a villa created by on the background there is a beautiful yellow / orange sunset and palmtrees
sunset view of the pool of a villa created by on the background there is a beautiful yellow / orange sunset and palmtrees
sunset view of the pool of a villa created by on the background there is a beautiful yellow / orange sunset and palmtrees
sunset view of the pool of a villa created by on the background there is a beautiful yellow / orange sunset and palmtrees


Over a dedicated and intensive six-month collaboration, I undertook the ambitious task of redesigning the website from the ground up. My primary focus was on creating a stunning, responsive website that would effectively showcase Mandy Snoeren-Smolders' interior design and styling projects.

The project began with a thorough assessment of the existing website's limitations and the specific needs of Mandy's brand. I collaborated closely with a drone pilot and a professional photographer to capture high-quality visuals that truly represented the essence of Mandy's work. These stunning images and videos were essential in crafting a visually engaging online presence.

To achieve a modern and dynamic look, I integrated a robust content management system (CMS) that allowed for easy updates and maintenance. This ensured that Mandy could effortlessly keep her portfolio and project information current. The new design was responsive, ensuring seamless functionality across all devices, from desktops to mobile phones.

The visual identity of the website was completely revamped, embracing contemporary design trends that aligned with Mandy's brand aesthetics. A fresh color palette, intuitive navigation, and elegant layout were implemented to create a welcoming and professional online environment. The navigation was strategically restructured to make it easy for visitors to explore Mandy's diverse projects and services.

Interactive elements were incorporated to enhance user engagement, including dynamic galleries, project showcases, and integrated social media feeds. This not only improved the user experience but also provided potential clients with a comprehensive view of Mandy's capabilities.

The result was a fully transformed—an aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly, and responsive website. It not only addressed the initial challenges of the outdated static site but also elevated Mandy's online presence, allowing her to showcase her work to a broader audience in a captivating and professional manner. This project exemplifies my commitment to delivering innovative and visually stunning solutions that exceed client expectations and drive business success.